Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm probably going to miss my flight because I'm posting this blog, but I wanted to get one out before heading to TONGA!!! The last week in Muskoka was filled with more golf, swimming, a lot of kayaking and canoeing, tennis, and breath-holding practice (I'm up to 57 seconds!). I also had the pleasure of dealing with the bats in the attic with Mom (it's your turn next year James!). I am currently in Los Angeles and had an awesome day with my really good friend, Allison. Leaving for the airport to take my flight now to Tonga... I will arrive on Tuesday (crossing the date line!). I can't believe that I'm actually going. It still doesn't seem real.
worst legacy ever - getting rid of the bats!


  1. Hi Liz, We've been thinking about you. Lola keeps looking for Moses. I'm glad you had a great time in Canada - have a fantastic trip to Tonga - it's going to be amazing. Steve

  2. Hey Elizabeth,
    Great pics as always. Can't wait to see/read more about your adventures. Be safe!

  3. Yea, another post! I'm wondering about what the internet connection in Tonga will be like... so I'm sending you good vibes to STAY SAFE, have fun and know that you are very loved!
