Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back in the USA

After 6 great weeks in Tonga, I had to cut my time short and return home to the states. It was the fastest and smoothest last-minute traveling I have ever done. If all things are well, I will be heading to New Zealand as planned in early November, then head on to Australia, then South-East Asia before returning home again for Christmas and New Years. I will add photos when I get organized.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I know you have been waiting with baited breath for my next blog posting. Apologies for the dely. The last ten days have been great. So much has gone on it’s hard to know where to begin. I had a great visit with Mom and James, although it went way too quickly (and including some unexpected delays). They must have brought the good luck, because since they arrived, we’ve had some of the best whale encounters yet. There are a very friendly mother and calf who have been sticking around the area. The cow sits down about 30 feet below the surface while her calf came up right next to us to play. It slaps its tail, comes incredibly close then flips backwards, all the while looking directly at us, and at one point, Kirsty dove and flipped around, and the calf mimicked her movements. It was incredible. We have had four really good days of encounters with this particular mom and calf.

Mom, James, and I spent two nights in town (Vava’u). The noises that started at 5am were like a surround-sound of cacophony. There were pigs, roosters, dogs, church goes, band members practicing, etc all adding their own sound track. The weather cooperated for us and the winds died down, so we were able to go out whale watching everyday while they were here, even on the days we stayed in town.

So much like Stam-vegas!
Friend's house Mom, James, and I stayed at in town.
It’s been a very fast few days and I can’t believe that their trip has already come and gone.